Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. and the Restorative Power of Movement
January is a month of many meanings for me. It is a new year, and my resolve to refresh and engage in Chicago United’s many initiatives is important to me. It is also a time of cooling
weather, reflection, rejuvenation after the holidays, and finding new strength and continued resolve in the face of sometimes-difficult headlines. However, January also brings me
a great reminder of hope. January is the birth month of Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr., a man who stood for justice, peace, and higher moral ground.
Chicago United’s history traces back to the tragic death of Dr. King. His mission of equality is what drives our commitment to diversity, equity, and inclusion. His leadership,
vision, and commitment continue to inspire me, and everything I do as a CEO and President at Chicago United. He is a hero, a leader, and the grand exemplar of the American Civil Rights
movement, and Dr. King is why we continue to focus on Chicago United’s movement. Our future will forever be a testament to his life. Join us in our ongoing journey to live up to his
ideals, in boardrooms, corporate suites, and minority business development.
Dr. King is why Chicago United will continue to focus on this important notion of movements in 2022. The idea that people can achieve great things when they come together.
We begin the year with strategic planning that will be our north star for the future.
Join us in reflecting on the grandeur and greatness of Dr. King, this year, and every year.