Our Impact
The centerpiece of Chicago United’s mission is to convene leaders who are resolved to create inclusive environments that allow all to succeed. This drive for inclusion starts at the top—in the Boardroom, in the C-Suite, at the Executive level—and navigates to the Mid-Level Managers and the Emerging Leaders. Our mission was translated into action this month as Chicago United hosted the Closing Reception for the Corporate Inclusion Institute’s (CII) Cohort VII participants. Since 2019 CII has enhanced career mobility for a diverse workforce, empowering our Emerging Leaders and Mid-Level Managers with leadership skills. CII Cohort VII’s 72 participants join the 558 leaders who have completed the program. These participants have assessed their strengths, improvement areas, preferences, and conscious and unconscious biases. They’ve analyzed cross-cultural competency and inclusive leadership skills. They are now primed to continue to build collaborative and effective teams, influence corporate culture, and lead long-term business success. Now more than ever, nothing is more meaningful than ensuring that diversity, equity and inclusion strategies are in place to deliver meaningful benefits that help transform corporate culture and create inclusive talent pipelines. This is the value of CII. Be well,