September 19, 2024
9:00 am - 10:30 am | AON Center 200 E. Randolph, 70th Floor, Chicago, IL 60601

Minority Business Partnership Program: Wealth Creation, Workforce Development & Risk Reduction

Learn about successful strategies for business growth through community reinvestment initiatives by onshoring jobs, and building an inclusive economy. Panelists include SDI Presence Leadership and other Corporate Partners.


  • David Gupta, Founder & Chairman, SDI Presence
    • 2007 Business Leader of Color
  • Hardik Bhatt, CEO, SDI Presence
    • 2023 Business Leader of Color
  • Adriene Bruce, Director of Diversity, SDI Presence
  • Renette Stiers, Senior Human Resource Consultant – Diversity & Inclusion, WEC Energy Group